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Mike Mullin, Author

I'm the author of the ASHFALL three-and-a-half-ology: ASHFALL, ASHEN WINTER, SUNRISE, and DARLA'S STORY.

Surviving the Angel of Death: The Story of a Mengele Twin in Auschwitz

Surviving the Angel of Death: The Story of a Mengele Twin in Auschwitz - Eva Mozes Kor, Lisa Rojany Buccieri I read the first 84 pages in one sitting, then stopped, gasping, to remind myself to breathe. The horrors of Auschwitz weren't the part of this book that most affected me. Instead it was the beginning, in which the Christian villagers slowly turned against Ms. Kor's family, and even her best friend, Luci, joined with the anti-Semites.But the true genius of this book is the powerful epilogue. My words can't do it justice, so here are a few of Ms. Kor's, "Anger and hate are seeds that germinate war. Forgiveness is a seed for peace." After despairing for the human race for 133 pages, Ms. Kor found just the words to give me hope again.This slim volume deserves a place on your shelf alongside Night and The Diary of a Young Girl.